Author: Саипова, Нодира Сагдуллаевна; Юсубалиев, Улугбек Абдунабиевич; Тохтаев, Гайратилло Шухратилло угли; Сафаров, Холикжон Хуршедович; Холматов, Муроджон Собирович; Нормуродов, Хуршид Турсунмуродович
Annotation: Professional athletes represent a unique group of dermatological patients, as almost all of them face skin diseases during their sports career. Disturbances of homeostasis components due to various exogenous and endogenous factors lead to changes in microbiota (dysbacteriosis) of the skin. Skin colonization resistance is maintained by low epidermis pH values and can change as in practically healthy individuals (for example, in athletes with hyperhidrosis against the background of stress and inadequate physical activity) and in patients with immunosuppressive, Neuroendocrine, infectious diseases with fever or metabolic disorders.
Keywords: normal skin microflora, skin microbiota in dermatoses, athletes.
Pages in journal: 471 - 484