Komilova, S. T. (2021). XITOY ADABIYOTIDA DRAMANING JANR SIFATIDA TARAQQIYOTI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 2), 117-129.

Author: Komilova, Shaxnoza Turobuddinovna.

Annotation: This article reflects the influence of internal and external factors that influenced the formation and development of the drama genre in Uzbek, European and Chinese literature. Also, based on the research conducted by the researchers, data were provided on the reasons for the widespread spread of ancient Indian culture in the origin of the genres of Chinese drama. A review of dramatic works is given about the peculiarities of the genres “xiwen”, “zasyu”, formed in ancient Chinese dramaturgy in the XIII-XIV centuries, as well as about the works of playwrights Guan Han Chin, Wang Shi Fu, Bai Pu, Ma Ji Yuan and others, who occupied a prominent place in the development of this genre. The article examines the emergence and development of the genre of “chuansi", through the work of playwrights of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

Keywords: "nansiven" (南戏文), "szaszyuy" (杂剧), Sanskrit drama, "Shariputraprakaran", "Kumaralata", Shakuntala, Guan Han Sin (关汉卿), Van Shi Fu (王实甫), Bay PU (白朴), Ma Ji Yuan(马致远)
