Koryogdiyev, B. U. O. (2021). BITIMNI HAQIQIY EMAS DEB TOPISH VA UNING OQIBATLARINI QOLLASH FUQAROLIK HUQUQLARINI HIMOYA QILISH VOSITASI SIFATIDA. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 211-225.

Author: Koryogdiev, Bobur Umidjon ugli

Annotation: The article reflects the contradictions in civil law associated with the recognition of the contract null and void and the application of its consequences, different approaches to the rules in practice and ways to solve them. Theoretical and practical issues in relation to the invalidation of contracts in civil law have been analyzed on the basis of the legislation and theories of foreign countries.

Keywords: Agreement, conflict agreement, initially unenforceable agreement, small household agreement, electronic agreement, certification provider.
