Author: Mislibayev, Ilxom Tuychibayevich; Xasanov, Obid Abdullayevich; Alimov, Shoxriddin Muxammatovich; Berdiyeva, Dilrabo Xasanovna.
Annotation: The article identifies the advantages of backfilling mined-out space using ash and unburned part of coal used for heating steam boilers of the Issyklik Electrical Unit (IEM) of Almalyk MMC JSC. An analysis of the economic indicators of the technology using this bookmark was carried out. The cost of hardening aggregate per 1 m3 in the conditions of the Kauldy mine was calculated, and, according to the developed mining plan, the share of additional thickeners will be no more than 22%. Based on this condition, an economic calculation was made for the proposed option.
Keywords: hardening backfill, coal ash, red sand, fraction sizes, transportability (delivery to the chamber), chamber, mountain system, cement, marble sand.
Pages in journal: 122 - 130