Kuchkarova, J. A. Q. (2021). MAQOLLARNING AHAMIYATI VA TAHLILI RUS, O ‘ZBEK VA QOZOQ TILLARIDA. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 533-537.

Author: Kuchkarova, Janar Abdimurod qizi

Annotation: V. P Zhukov “Proverbs and sayings differ structurally and grammatically from phraseological units: they mean a complete sentence. Their integral semantic content is based on judgments, not concepts. Proverbs and sayings, therefore, cannot be carriers of the phraseological meaning inherent in phraseological units; their meaning can only be conveyed through a sentence (often extended), and the meaning of a phraseological unit is conveyed through words or phrases ”(Zhukov 1991: 6-7). But we believe that proverbs and sayings are the same. Since we have not analyzed the linguistic form, it does not matter to us, it does not matter, but most importantly, the cultural meaning that exists in proverbs and parables. Proverbs usually exist in the form of stable, complete phrases, allowing words to vary in their content and not always expressing a complete sentence. Words can be compared to a bridge, which is a transition from phraseological units to proverbs.

Keywords: Proverbs, proverbs, phraseology, linguistics, grammar, semantic content.
