Курбанова, Д. Х. (2022). СЛЕНГ КАК ЯВЛЕНИЕ В СОВРЕМЕННОЙ ЛИНГВИСТИКЕ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 234-238.

Author: Курбанова, Джамиля Хислятовна

Annotation: The purpose of writing this article is to study the peculiarities of one part of the spoken Russian language, namely slang. The term “slang”, as a rule, refers to those language expressions that do not coincide with the literary language. The Russian language, like many languages of the world, exists in constant development. Therefore, it performs its main function – to serve as a means of communication, to transmit, process and store information. The study of colloquial speech, including slang, is necessary because this form is the only true language and the norm of evaluation of other forms of speech

Keywords: Russian language, linguistics, slang, slang, social dialect
