Kushimov, B. A., & Mamadaliyev, X. J. O. G. L. (2021). QISHLOQ XO ‘JALIGI HAMDA MEVA–SABZAVOT MAHSULOTLARI QURITISH UCHUN ENERGIYA TEJAMKOR QURILMA VA TEXNOLOGIYA. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 869-879.

Author: Kushimov, Baxtiyor Alishovich; Mamadaliyev, Xayitali Jaloliddin o‘g‘li

Annotation: The article describes the recommended drying modes and the selection of the most efficient modes for drying units. An additional method of thermal radiation for a vacuum chamber using phase shifting of the heat carrier is presented. The technology of the energy storage process, the structure of the device and the diagram of the process of using the energy stored in the device are shown. Based on the analytical review of scientific and applied research, investigation on the drying of various agricultural products, fruits and vegetables, other products in world practice, the results of theoretical research, proposals for the development of specific designs of mechanisms used in technological machines.

Keywords: drying, agricultural products, fruits and vegetables, energy storage, paraffin,drying chamber, heat storage, heat energy, heat carrier, evaporation.
