Author: Parpixo‘jayev, Nusratullo Nig‘matullo o‘g‘li,
Annotation: This article analyzes the civil law regulation of the invalidation of decisions of local governments that violate the law and violate the rights and interests of participants in civil law transactions, and the application of its consequences. With greater independence of subjects of law in the "private-law" form of government, the methods of protecting their civil rights also require constant improvement. Recognizing the decisions of local authorities as invalid and applying their consequences is also an important way to protect civil rights, and its significance is evident from the number of such cases in judicial practice. According to the official statistics of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 1 year on the territory of our Republic, 2,992 cases were considered to invalidate the decisions of akims, of which 1,255 were declared invalid in favor of subjects of civil law. The study discusses the issues of civil law regulation of this method of protection and the prospects for its improvement.
Keywords: civil law regulation, “private law” management, civil liability, real damage, lost profit, restitution
Pages in journal: 392 - 401