Author: Sayidolimov, Javoxirbek Baxtiyorjon o‘g‘li
Annotation: The article briefly mentions the preamble to “Hayrat ul-abror”, considered the last work of Alisher Nawai. In the work Makur, the author comments on the peculiarities of different layers of society. Artistically describes what they experience in the interval from youth to the end of their lives. And the preamble part of the work, along with the reflection of the creative intention of the creator, ensures that the main part is understandable to the reader. Praise in the preamble part, nat', the processes associated with the creation of the work are insisted on by the creator. The preface to the “Hayrat ul-abror” is an early step towards understanding the work.
Keywords: preface, creative intention, praise, nat, social life, experience, lesson, prose.
Pages in journal: 136 - 141