Mahkamov, N. J. (2022). UMURTQA POG ‘ONASI TOG ‘AYLI DISK DESTRUKTIV KASALLIKLARINING PATOMORFOLOGIK TAHLILINI TASHXISLASH VA DAVOLASHDAGI AHAMIYATI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 343-347.

Author: Mahkamov, N.J.

Annotation: The intervertebral disc is composed of a fibrous ring and a revolving nucleus. The articular surface of the spine is tightly connected to the disc bones above and below. The inner surface of the spinal disc is composed of thick and dense collagen fibers, and the fibrous surface is surrounded by a relatively thin, approximately twice as thin fibrous layer. The histological appearance of the connective tissue in different areas of the disc was found to be different. In the treatment of protrusion and hernia of the spine, the treatment based on histochemical and pathomorphological findings of the disc structure leads to good results. The microscopic structure of the spinal disc contributes to the increased effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment at a time when degenerative and dystrophic changes in the current spinal hernia are increasing.

Keywords: spine, hernia, spinal disc, symphysis, fibrous ring, nucleus accumbens.
