Махамедова, Г. (2021). “СОРОК ХАДИСОВ”(“АРБАИН КИРК ХАДИС”)–КУДА БОЛЕЕ СЛОЖНОГО ТИПА. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 267-271.

Author: Махамедова, Гулрух

Annotation: In this article we strive to collect information about the works of Jami, Navoi, Fizuli "Chihil hadith" - "Arbain" from the works of "Arbain" stored in the main collection of the Center for Oriental Manuscripts named after Abu Raykhon Beruni at the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Keywords: Verses of the Koran, hadiths, arbain, "Arbain" - "Chihil hadith", Arabic, Persian, Turkic languages, traditions, Abdurahman Jami, Alisher Navoi, Muhammad Fizuli
