Makhmatkulov, I. (2022). MODERN INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING ECOLOGY. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 528-533.

Author: Makhmatkulov, Iskandar

Annotation: Ecology is a wide science which studies relationships all living beings on the Globe- flora, fauna, structure of the Mother Earth and its creation, content and constituents, which forms nature things. This article deals with the study, comparison, relationships of Earth creatures and their existence with interrelationships flora and fauna on the land. This article also gives some differences and the connections of the Mother Earth objects, their contents, meanings and interrelated coexistence on the planet. As it is known from different aspects of geology, biology, biophysics and other subjects which study philosophy of these objects and their interconnections.

Keywords: Globe, Earth, nature, ecology, environment, flora, fauna, creature, land, structure, climate, earth, water, philosophy, world, etc.
