Mamatqobulov, T. L. E. (2021). AMIR NASRULLOXON AMALGA OSHIRGAN HARBIY ISLOHOTLAR. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 130-135.

Author: Mamatqobulov To‘lqin Eshqulovich

Annotation: The one-sidedness of the military situation during the Bukhara Emirate is a sign of its constant backwardness. The changes that took place with the coming to power of Amir Nasrullah were immediately felt in the military reforms. With the formation of a regular army, the frontier of the takhi was strengthened. During this period the military power increased considerably.

Keywords: Bukhara Emirate, Emirate's foreign diplomacy, military reform, army structure, navkar, black cherik, infantry, artillery, regular army.
