Mambetnazarov, B. B., & Allayarov, S. S. (2021). QORAQALPOG ‘ISTON RESPUBLIKASIDA OILAVIY XO ‘JALIKLAR KOOPERATSIYASINI RIVOJLANTIRISHGA SINERGETIK YONDOSHUV. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 589-595.

Author: Mambetnazarov, Baxit Bisenbayevich; Allayarov, Sherali Shamshiyevich

Annotation: The article deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of the existing conditions for the development of family farms in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, including their cooperation with other and other forms of business, the development of a synergetic approach for the benefit of all. focus on aspects.

Keywords: family, family farms, agriculture, farming, entrepreneurship, cooperation, transformation, integration, agribusiness, cooperatives.
