Mansurov, M., & Yusupov, U. B. (2021). USTUK UCHASTKASI MA’DAN QAMROVCHI JINSLARNING MINERAL-PETROGRAFIK TARKIBI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 246-253.

Author: Muxammadjon Mansurov, Ulug‘bek Yusupov,

Annotation: In the area of the Concession, the ore mines covering the rocks mainly consist of terrigenous, metamorphic formations. They consist of thin, irregularly folded shales, siltstone, sandstone. Metalaleurolites. The mixture of psammitic (sandy) materials in the rock is a constant triride. The grain size ranges from 0.06-0.15 to 0.3 mm. The gender structure of psammaalevralitli. Drives: apatite, tourmaline (primary oblique and secondary) and rutile needles (formed as a result of recrystallization of leukocene), sphene, zircon. Thanks to a thorough geological study of the above-mentioned mineral deposits, the Republic has fulfilled the requirements for mineral raw materials, thanks to which the creation of new jobs in the nearby aksoli is considered the main and urgent goal of geological exploration.

Keywords: Ustuk, metaalevrolites, metamorphic, carbon shales, shales, metaaleuro sandstones, magmatic.
