Mansurov, S. (2021). “GULSHANI DILAFGOR” TO ‘PLAMIDAGI SHE’RLAR TASNIFI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 560-567.

Author: Mansurov, Sobir

Annotation: This article categorizes some of the poems in the Gulshani Dilafgor collection. Many of the poet's poems are in harmony with the lyrical works of poets such as Furqat, Muqimi, Hamza, Khislat, Kami, imbued with the ideas of nationalism and enlightenment. The classification of lyrical poems in the collection of the poet "Gulshani Dilafgor" shows that Dilafgor could not avoid the themes that accompanied the poets in Uzbek classical poetry. He also relied on the progressive ideas of his time to continue the traditions of his predecessors.

Keywords: Gulshani Dilafgor, ghazal, devon, nat, poem, literary criticism, source studies, textual studies, classification, collection, lyrical works.
