Мансурова, Т. Т. (2021). ОБЪЕКТ, ПРЕДМЕТ, ЗАДАЧИ И СТРУКТУРА ЯЗЫКОЗНАНИЯ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 278-282.

Author: Мансурова, Тахмина Тохировна

Annotation: The system of phonetic, lexical and grammatical means, which is an instrument of expressing thoughts, feelings, will expressions and serves as the most important means of communication of people, as applied to language, everyone distinguishes, first of all, himself from others, his own speech from the speech of other people; everyone distinguishes his own, domestic language from other languages, if only he had the opportunity to hear them. Linguistics turned out to be the humanitarian science that, without breaking ties with other sciences about man and his culture, was the first to decisively use not only instrumental methods of observation

Keywords: a child learns language completely unconsciously, occasionally it is necessary to pay attention to language, language forms an organic unity with thinking, since one does not exist without the other, In the natural sciences, distracting from the time sequence, we have worldwide physical, chemical, the creation of complex computer maintenance systems through language
