Author: Нуриддинов, Сардор Бобоярович
Annotation: In this article, it is important to note the following as a result of the analysis of the European Union transport system for Central Asia, in particular Uzbekistan. It is important that many transport corridors pass through the territory of our Republic. The distance of Uzbekistan from the world ocean should not be a big disadvantage, but an advantage, since the shortest transport corridors connecting Europe and Asia now pass through our territory. A lot has been written about this, but the conversion rate is still not good enough. It should be understood that untimely work to modernize transport infrastructure and improper implementation of modern technologies can set the region back even further in the face of external restrictions and sanctions.
Keywords: transport corridors, cargo and passenger flows, transport policy, multimodal route, transport, trade routes, transport integration, transport and logistics infrastructure.
Pages in journal: 65 - 70