Maxmudova, A. N. (2021). ALOUDDIN ATOMALIK JUVAYNIYNING “TARIXI JAHONGUSHOY” ASARI XORAZMSHOHLAR DAVLATI TARIXIGA OID MUHIM MANBA. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 322-329.

Author: Maxmudova, Aziza Nosirovna

Annotation: The article tells about the historical source "History of the World", which tells about the conquest of the state by the great Khorezmshahs, founded by the Anushtegin dynasty. The author of this work, Alouddin Atomalik ibn Bahauddin Muhammad al-Juwayni, life, scientific heritage, the degree of study of the work are recorded using historical methods, such as historical, critical, comparative logical analysis, principles of objectivity.

Keywords: state of Khorezmshahs, Alouddin Atomalik ibn Bahauddin Muhammad al-Juvaini, “Tarixi jahongushoy”, Persian, volume, Mongol.
