Maxmudova, G. F., Soxibova, Z. R., Mamedov, U. S., & Nurboboyev, A. U. (2021). FERTIL VA KEKSA YOSHLI AYOLLARDA BACHADON BO ‘YNI XAVFLI O ‘SMALARI TAHLILI (BUXORO VILOYATIDA). Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8

Author: Maxmudova, G.F., Soxibova, Z.R., Mamedov, U.S., Nurboboyev, A.U.

Annotation: The aim of the study is to study the clinical, anatomical and morphological features of malignant neoplasms of the cervix uteri in fertile and elderly women. The study is based on retrospective and prospective data from 60 patients with malignant cervical cancer. The disease is more common in 52.2-year-old women than in 35-39-year-olds and 60-64-year-olds. We can say that in 83.3% of cases, women develop squamous cell carcinoma. It is in older women that this type of cancer develops into an endophyte, which complicates treatment and worsens the prognosis.

Keywords: endophyte, retrospective, prospect, squamous cell carcinoma.
