
Author: Abdullayev, Aziz Xamidulloyevich

Annotation: In this article, the influence of population migration on the spirituality of young people in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the nature of reforms in the field of migration in New Uzbekistan, the fact that migration is the cause of the transformation of the national moral value system established in our society, the existing problems in this area and the tasks necessary to solve them, the interaction of the spiritual environment and population migration in our country in the future Research problems are discussed. In particular, the reforms implemented in the migration policy in our country in recent years, the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation relations with Uzbek diasporas abroad, the establishment of a training system for labor migrants in special training courses before migration, and the creation of the concept of safe, orderly and legal labor migration were analyzed.

Keywords: migration, youth spirituality, spiritual environment, labor migrants, labor migration.

Pages in journal: 907 - 919
