Author: Abduolimova, Maftuna Nurulloxon qizi; Isaqova, Ozodaxon Islom qizi
Annotation: This article is devoted to clarifying the metaphor, which is a type of stylistic figures in fiction, and its use in literature. We know that the most important weapon in fiction is the word. The most understandable and impressive delivery of the word is carried out through the means of artistic images. Through this article, we would like to explain the use of the term metaphor in fiction and other fields, as well as the types of metaphors. Also, examples of metaphorical types are given and explained in the article.
Keywords: metaphor, literary device, coloring, homonym, figurative word, mixed metaphor, dead metaphor, visual metaphor, absolute metaphor, root metaphor, conceptual metaphor, nation, concept.
Pages in journal: 689 - 693