Meyliyeva, D. B. Q. (2021). ICHKI BOZORNI BOLALAR OZIQ-OVQATLARI BILAN TA’MINLASHDA MARKETING STRATEGIYASINI ISHLAB CHIQISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 60-65.

Author: Meyliyeva, Dilnoza Boboniyoz qizi

Annotation: Nowadays, the demand for kids food and beverages is growing. Although the overall nutrition profile of some of the products sold for children has improved, there are still some gaps in enriching the market with food for children. The importance of child-centered advertising and marketing in addressing this gap needs to be clarified. This article discusses the role of marketing in providing the domestic market with kids food and the marketing strategies used to attract children.

Keywords: marketing, advertising, brand, market segmentation.
