Minnikulov, I. U. U. (2021). AXIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF CONDITIONAL SENTENCES IN THE UZBEK LANGUAGE. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 154-159.

Author: Islom Urol ugli Minnikulov

Annotation: This article is devoted to the analysis of axiological features of conditional sentences in Uzbek. In particular, it deals with the possibility of conditional sentences in Uzbek to verbalize some values and anti-values. The aim of the research is to reveal the axiological possibilities of conditionals in Uzbek. As results of study, the followings can be summarized: conditional sentences in Uzbek can verbalize some values and anti-values in a particular context: a) values such as achievement, hospitality, richness and b) anti-values like swear, betrayal, badness, injustice.

Keywords: axiology, value, value system, conditionals, conditional meaning, conditional form.
