Mirsanova, M. (2021). ERKIN VOHIDOVNING ADABIY TANQIDIY QARASHLARIGA DOIR. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 954-960.

Author: Mirsanova, Moxira

Annotation: As a result of studying the literary-critical views of the creators, we learn to correctly analyze all literary works, poems, understand literature deeper, and better understand the meaning of each term. In the literature in which literary criticism develops, there is an increase in literature. Since criticism is an important tool for correcting mistakes, we need to study the views and opinions of all our literary critics and draw conclusions. If we talk about the work of the national poet of Uzbekistan Erkin Vakhidov, then we all know him with his prolific poetry, which is one of the highest examples of Uzbek poetry of the late ninth - early twentieth centuries. His works include epic and dramatic works and are among the greatest works of this genre. In addition, the 5th volume of the Complete Collection of Literary Works is called Loyalty to the Heart and contains articles, literary thoughts, interviews. In this volume, we can enjoy the literary-critical views of the author. What are Erkin Vakhidov's literary-critical views on Uzbek literature, literary criticism in general, poetry, poetry, art and creativity in this article? What is a poem? What is inspiration? The following article discusses the the comments on issues.

Keywords: Erkin Vahidov, Literature, Literary Criticism, Poetry, Poetry, Talent, Inspiration, Creativity, Art
