Mirzayeva, G. F., Jabbarov, O. O., Tursunova, L. D., & Buvamukhamedova, N. T. (2021). GOUTY NEPHROPATHY: DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT APPROACHES. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 503-509.

Author: Mirzayeva, Gulchehra Fayzullaevna; Jabbarov, Ozimbay Otakhanovich; Tursunova, Laylo Dilshatovna; Buvamukhamedova, Nasiba Tokhirovna

Annotation: Clinical variants of kidney damage in patients with gout, including asymptomatic disorders of uric acid metabolism, are considered and discussed. The risk factor of hyperuricemia and associated kidney damage, target pH values of urine and uric acid levels in the blood, principles of nutrition and drug therapy of patients with gouty nephropathy are presented. Maintaining uric acid at the target level allows not only to control this disease, but also to prevent or slow down the formation of a number of complications, including gouty (urate) nephropathy.

Keywords: nephrology, gout, nephropathy
