Mo‘Minov, T. L. S., & Yo‘Ldoshev, D. F. O. G. L. (2022). SHAHAR JAMOAT TRANSPORTI HARAKAT MUNTAZAMLIGINI BAHOLASH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 100-106.

Author: Mo‘minov, To‘lqin Shoyqulovich; Yo‘ldoshev, Davron Furqat O‘g‘li

Annotation: Today, in the development of public transport schedules, the task of ensuring the regularity of bus traffic before the dispatchers is of particular importance. One of the most pressing issues today is the radical development of public transport infrastructure, improving the quality of service in providing reliable services to passengers. The scientific approach to this issue requires the development of a schedule of buses and the analysis of regularity indicators. The article examines the regularity of directional buses.

Keywords: Passenger, regularity, public transport, timetable, weather indicators, dispatching work.
