Muhammad Abdoning hayotiy faoliyati va ijtimoiy o’ziga xosligi, 25-30

Author: Hamroyev Nusrat Ixtiyorovich

Annotation: The purpose of writing this article is to study the importance of the views of Muhammad Abda on the place of Islam in Egypt in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In the process of changing and reforming the rigid dogmatic views of society in socio-political life, one thinks about the deeds, ideas and goals of this person.

Keywords: Islamic Reform, Baha'i, al-Waqasi al-Misriya, superstition, dogmatic thought, "al-Ustad al-Imam" and "al-Sheikh al-Mufti", al-Afghani, al-Azhar, Sunnis and Shiites, Muslims and Christians, Hadith, Torah, Bible, Qur'an.
