Muhriddin, R. (2021). JANUBIY AFRIKADA INGLIZ-GOLLANDIYA QARAMA-QARSHILIGI SABABARI XVIII-XIX АSRLАRDА. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 15-25.

Author: Rahmatov, Muhriddin

Annotation: The aspirations of the great powers to colonize have created competition and confrontation between them. It reflects the geopolitical relations of Western European countries in the Republic of South Africa in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Territories of South Africa that have become an area of competition between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The colonization of South Africa was also given information on the continuation of the British, which the Dutch began to give in 1652.

Keywords: Stanford, Liesbek, Muizenberg, Rhodesia, Rondebosch, Bloubergstrandda, Koekhoens, Blaauwberg, Willem Adriaan van der Stel. South Africa.
