Mukhlisa, M. R. (2021). DETERMINATION OF GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF PREVIOUSLY UNTREATED ZONES. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 403-411.

Author: Rustamova, Mukhlisa Mukhtoralievna

Annotation: The article on the topic "Conducting research on identification and elimination of errors arising when processing complex shaped parts on cnc machines" contains 138 pages of a text document. The aim of the dissertation was to improve the existing manufacturing technology. As a result of the research, the technological process of machining was improved for a body part of high complexity "Housing" in conditions of mass production using technological equipment with numerical control. Based on the plans for the surface treatment of the part, a starting technological process was developed and illustrations of the processing route were made. Suitable equipment and technological equipment have been selected.

Keywords: vacuum ring, cellulose, silicone rubber, nitrate.
