Mustafayev, U. U. (2021). YANGI O ‘ZBEKISTON: QADRIYATLAR VA FALSAFIY FANLARNING DOLZARB MUAMMOLARI BO ‘YICHA AYRIM MULOHAZALAR. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 568-577.

Author: Mustafayev, Ulash Utayevich

Annotation: The activities of spiritual and enlightenment councils in Uzbekistan and the history of Movarounnahr, the views of state leaders and scholars on the values of society, their efforts to treat science and enlightenment are presented with evidence. Conclusions in this area are based on the decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers. The object of research in the social sciences and humanities in Uzbekistan and the current issues of delays in this area are discussed. In particular, the development of science-based indicators for the formation and evaluation of such qualities as patriotism, entrepreneurship, willpower, ideological immunity, kindness, responsibility, tolerance, legal culture, innovative thinking, diligence. Most importantly, there are three reasons why the social sciences and humanities are lagging behind today. The question arises as to whether there is an indicator for measuring spirituality and values, and the author concludes that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's "Iron Book", "Youth Book", "Women's Book" and "Book of Mercy" serve as such indicators. Scientists must explain the philosophical and social significance of this indicator. There is a need for this in society. He concludes that this task is performed by philosophers, historians, sociologists, political scientists and educators.

Keywords: spirituality-enlightenment, education and upbringing, science, patriotism, entrepreneurship, willpower, ideological immunity, kindness, responsibility, tolerance, legal culture, innovative thinking, diligence, indicator, “Iron Book”, “Youth Book”, “Women’s Book”, “Book of Mercy”.
