Author: Salimova. Guzal Qahramon Qizi;
Annotation: In this article, what methods can be used by our scholars who are debating in this field in the Muslim East, what methods can be used in practice, and how the standards of etiquette can be used in practice. Azuziddin Iyjii's treatise "Etiquette of Debate" is one of the most brilliant and invaluable works on debate written in the Muslim East, and we can easily say that he introduced a new style of debate based on ethical standards to the didactics of the East.
Keywords: Debate, debate, scientific discussion, Azuziddin Ijji, Abdurrahman Samarkandi, Ashraf Husayn Samarkandi, Aristotle's philosophy, peripatos, istedlol, induction, deduction, didactics, manners, ethics
Pages in journal: 798 - 802