Muxtorov, A. M. O. G. L., Turg‘Unbekov, A. M. O. G. L., & Maxmudov, A. A. (2022). AVTOMOBIL OLD OYNAKLARINI VAKUUMLASH JARAYONIDA VAKUUMLASH TEXNOLOGIYASINING AHAMIYATI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(3), 93-

Author: Muxtorov, Abdumajidxon Murodxon o‘g‘li; Turg‘unbekov, Axmadbek Maxmudjon o‘g‘li; Maxmudov, Abdulrasul Abdumajidovich

Annotation: At present, the Uzbek machine-building industry is organized on the basis of market requirements. The automotive industry also plays a role in the production of glass products, including car windows. Although glass is a crystalline body, its structural structure varies, and crystal lattices vary in appearance and size, as well as in weight. In addition, the glass is a very brittle material, and due to a defect in one place, the whole detail becomes unusable. It is almost impossible to cut and machine. Given these properties, even in any modern and improved production conditions, the vacuum rings used in the process of transporting car windows quickly break down and become obsolete, and there is a need to study their design. Due to the impossibility of repairing car windows, it is important to study and develop the design, increase the service life, taking into account the conditions of a market economy.

Keywords: silicon, vacuum rings, laminating, PVB, EVA, TPU
