Narboyeva, S. M. (2022). TARIX FANINI O ‘QITISHDA INNOVATSION TEXNOLOGIYALARNI QO’LLASHNING AYRIM DOZLARB MASALALARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 27-32.

Author: Narboyeva, Sevara Maqsudovna

Annotation: This article provides a broad scientific analysis of the history of the family of social sciences and humanities, the process of using innovative technologies in the teaching process and its specific aspects, some of the most relevant aspects. In addition, the article presents the author's extensive scientific-based opinions. References are made to scientific sources that serve to reveal the essence of the object of study.

Keywords: innovation, innovative educational technologies, educational process, innovation, sustainable education, elements of the education system, history, teaching history.
