Нарзиева, Д. Ф. (2021). ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ИММУНОГИСТОХИМИЧЕСКИХ МАРКЕРОВ ПРИ МЕТАСТАЗИРОВАНИИ РАКА МОЛОЧНОЙ ЖЕЛЕЗЫ В ЛЕГКИЕ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 170-174.

Author: Нарзиева, Дилноза Фахриддиновна,

Annotation: Breast cancer is a serious medical and social problem for most of the developed countries of the world. Immunohistochemical studies were performed on primary tumors of 60 breast cancer patients with metastases to the lungs. Immunohistochemical study allows you to assess the parameters associated with the cell cycle of the tumor. Knowledge of immunohistochemical markers allows us to develop an optimal model for assessing the risk of metastasis of breast cancer.

Keywords: Immunohistochemical markers, breast cancer, tumor, receptor.
