Nasirov, M. X., Tolaboyev, D. X., & Yulchiyev, I. I. (2021). INSON SO ‘LAGINING KRISTALLOGEN XUSUSIYATLARINI BAHOLASH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 510-516.

Author: Nasirov M.X., Tolaboyev D.X., Yulchiyev I.I.

Annotation: The development of new diagnostic methods, as well as the expansion of the capabilities of existing methods has been and remains one of the most pressing problems of medicine. Laboratory studies of biological fluids in the body are of particular importance in the study of this area. The development of new diagnostic methods, as well as the expansion of existing ones are urgent problems of medicine. One of the features of modern laboratory diagnostic methods is that their ability to provide diagnostic information is based on the number of changes in the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of biological fluids, stages of development of pathological processes in the body. to a sufficient change in the amount of biomaterials. In this area, it is important to determine the crystallization of biological fluids and the morphological composition of crystals formed in it in relation to pathological processes in the body, and thereby apply diagnostic features and clinical practice.

Keywords: Diagnostics, biological fluid, dehydration, dehydration, medicine, pathology, organism, symptom, clinical laboratory, crystallization, morphological composition, fluid component.
