
Author: Rahmatova, Feruza Yarashevna

Annotation: Today, integrated learning technologies are characterized by their modernity in all areas of modern life, and innovations in education are initiating all other changes. It can be understood as a mysterious phenomenon that will cause great changes in all spheres of education. The latest scientific and technical achievements in all spheres of life and activity in today's society make it necessary to make sustainable and qualitative changes in order to overcome the existing problems and contribute to the development and progress of society. From a social, economic, technological and cultural point of view, the introduction of innovative technologies is necessary because it represents a good model for improving the modern way of life. When we talk about opportunities for renewed social development, we need to pay special attention to the development of education, because the knowledge acquired is the only reliable source on which to base and direct this development.

Keywords: integration, technology, education, renewal, innovative technology, individual elements.

Pages in journal: 234 - 238
