Navruzova, N. N. (2021). XIX ASR SHOIRALAR IJODIDA BADIIY SAN’ATLAR JILOSI (Uvaysiy, Nodira, Dilshodi Barno, Anbar Otin she’riyati misolida). Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 961-967.

Author: Navruzova, Nozima Norqulovna

Annotation: In the first half of the XIX century in the literary environment of Kokand in the poetry of poets Uvaysi, Nodira, Dilshodi Barno, Anbar Otin spiritual and rhetorical arts were widely used, which provided content leadership and served to make the form proportionate to the content, provided an impressive, vital, and attractive output of the ideas in the work. The poets Nodirabegim and Uvaysi, known as the "Malikai Davron", made a great contribution to the entry of poets into the stage of history during this period.

Keywords: XIX century literary environment, "Malikai Davron" Nodira, Uvaysi, Dilshodi Barno, Anbar Atin, spiritual and verbal arts, talmeh, tashbeh, istiora
