Nazirov, M. (2021). O ‘ZBEKISTONDAGI SIYOSIY O ‘ZGARISHLARNING MARKAZIY OSIYONING BARQAROR RIVOJLANISHIGA TA’SIRI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 233-243.

Author: Nazirov, Mukhtor

Annotation: This scientific article analyzes the evolution of political processes in Uzbekistan, which had a significant impact on the overall situation in Central Asia, and its specific features on the basis of institutional and organizational-functional approaches. Due to the wide range of issues raised in the article, the main focus was on the current issues of the transformation of political power in Uzbekistan in recent years, the analysis of factors affecting sustainable development. In this context, the strategic directions of the new stage of the political process in Uzbekistan were analyzed.

Keywords: Uzbekistan, Central Asia, transformation of political power, sustainable development, modernization, political process
