Niazi, S. (2021). SHIMOLIY AFGONISTON O’ZBEK MILLIY SHE’RIYATINING SHAKLLANISH TARIXI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 44-54.

Author: Sebghatullah Niazi

Annotation: We all know that Uzbek writers and poets of northern Afghanistan in the XIX-XX centuries made a great contribution to the development of Uzbek literature in northern Afghanistan. It is no exaggeration to say that these talented artists and their works of various genres, written in the classical traditional and modern style, as well as works of short story and detective character, have made a significant contribution to the creative development of Turkestan Uzbek literature. Indeed, it is clear that trust, respect and esteem for the true words and profound works of Uzbek artists in northern Afghanistan have always been high. Undoubtedly, the role and influence of fiction, which is an advanced part of the intelligentsia, in the hearts of the people, as people who know their lofty goals, today's troubled and miserable life, destiny and future, is incomparable. At the heart of all change in life and society is human thinking and its problems. Unless there is a change in thinking, there is no change in social life. The emergence of Afghanistan's independence is also a product of this process.

Keywords: poetry, northern Afghanistan, literature, XIV century, artists, culture, culture, legends.
