Nishanova, S. D. (2022). ZAMONAVIY PODIUMGA 80-YILLAR MODASINING QAYTIB KELISHI HAQIDA AYRIM MULOHAZALAR. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 189-195.

Author: Nishanova, Sayyora Djuravayevna

Annotation: This article provides some reflections on the return to the catwalk of the fashion of the 80s, which is considered the boldest and at the same time the most pragmatic decade, and that its popularity has reached its peak in recent seasons. Examples are given of how all the main trends of the 80s, driving young people crazy, manifest themselves in modern fashion.

Keywords: Fashion, trend, modern clothing, clothing style, materials, image, silhouette, print, leather.
