Normatova, M. K. Q. (2021). MAKTABGACHA YOSHDAGI BOLALARNI NUTQINI KORREKSIYALSHDA PEDAGOGIK TEXNOLOGIYALARNI QO'LLASH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 66-69.

Author: Normatova, Maftuna Kengash qizi

Annotation: In modern society, a child lives in a technological environment from birth. It changes children’s perceptions and learning habits, identifies the need to use digital technologies that are fun for preschoolers, and encourages them to consciously perform speech and language corrective actions. it is necessary to develop speech self-control. This article discusses the use of digital technologies in the correction of children's speech and language in preschool, analyzes the theoretical literature, and discusses the use of pedagogical technology tools used to correct speech therapy

Keywords: Preschool education, young children, speech therapist, speech correction, pedagogy and digital technologies.
