Normuhammedova, F. S., & Namazova, D. I. (2021). QUYONLAR TOMONIDAN ISTE’MOL QILINGAN OZUQA MODDALARINING BIOLOGIK QIYMATI VA HAZMLANISHINING XUSUSIYATLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 380-391.

Author: Normuhammedova, Feruza Shavkatovna; Namazova, Dilnoza Irzaqulovna

Annotation: The physical condition, type, and age of the rabbits also have a significant effect on the digestion of nutrients. Probiotic nutrients have a positive effect on the general condition of the organism, the reproduction and development of rabbits, the hematological and biochemical state of animals, the morphofunctional state of the liver and excretory organs. Its inclusion in the diet of rabbits in the amount of 200 g/l helps to better adapt to the conditions of intensive technology. The normal functioning of the body depends on their growth and development, as well as resistance to various diseases, the complete organization of nutrition. Proper and regular nutrition is the key to good skin and body shape. Properly organized nutrition will improve the quality of any breed under study. Conversely, improper and poor feeding of rabbits leads to a decrease in productivity and disease qualities of even the best breeds. Foods consumed by animals must contain all the elements that make up their body.

Keywords: probiotic nutrients, proteins, fats, fiber, pepsin, hydrochloric acid, enzymes, digestibility, hematopoiesis, starch.
