Nurmatov, S. S. (2021). HOZIRGI ADABIY HINDIY TILIDAGI SONLARGA OID BA’ZI LEKSIK BIRLIKLARNING FONETIK TAHLILIGA DOIR. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 2), 48-54.

Author: Nurmatov, Sirojiddin Sultanmuratovich

Annotation: This article examines in detail the formation of lexical units in Hindi, such as "hundred", "thousand", "hundred thousand", "ten million", "billion". Their specific phonetic features have been studied. The phonetic changes of the forms occurring in the period of the ancient Indo-Aryan languages underwent the transition to the Middle Indo-Aryan languages, as well as the forms occurring in their composition by the time of the new Indo-Aryan languages. In the process of number formation, it was found that phonetic changes also took place in the composition of vowels, along with consonant sounds.

Keywords: numerals, cardinal numbers, lexeme, lexical unit. number word group, number numbers, lexeme, lexical unit, Ancient Indo-Aryan languages, Middle Indo-Aryan languages, New Indo-Aryan languages, Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit, Apabharansha.
