Нурова, З. А., Бердиев, К. М., Абдурахмонов, К. Д., Баходиров, С. Б., & Уразова, З. У. (2021). ЗНАЧЕНИЕ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ «ЖИДКОЙ БИОПСИИ» В РАННЕЙ ДИАГНОСТИКИ ОНКОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЙ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social scien

Author: доц. Нурова З.А, Бердиев К.М, Абдурахмонов К.Д, Баходиров С.Б, Уразова З.У.

Annotation: Cancer kills 8.8 million people every year, mostly in low- and middle-income countries. One problem is that many cancers are diagnosed too late. Even in countries with optimal health systems and services, many cancers are detected at advanced stages, when treatment success is more difficult. The diagnosis of advanced cancer and the inability to provide rational treatment dooms many people to unnecessary suffering and early death.

Keywords: "Liquid biopsy", Cancer, biomedical science; human.
