Нурова, З. А., Хаитов, А. А., Хайтмуратова, Г. П., Баходиров, С. Б., & Уразова, З. У. (2021). ЗНАЧЕНИЕ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ СЕРЕВОДОРОДНЫХ И ЙОДОБРОМНЫХ ВАНН ПРИ ИММУНОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ПОКАЗАТЕЛЯХ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social scie

Author: Нурова, Замира Аннакуловна; Хаитов, Акмал Алиярович; Хайтмуратова, Гулбахор Панжиевна; Баходиров, Сардор Баходирович; Уразова, Зарина Урмановна

Annotation: Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the ability of hydrogen sulfide and iodine-bromine baths, to a certain extent, to restore reduced hematological parameters in mice with toxic hepatitis. An important indicator reflecting the state of the immune system is the cellularity of one or another organ of the immune system. Shifts in quantitative indicators may also indicate functional disorders in the central and peripheral organs of immunity.

Keywords: hydrogen sulfide, iodine bromine, hemolytic, hepatitis, lymph node, immunosuppressant.
