Author: Очилов, Муроджон Ашуркулович; Жураев, Абурайхон Холиқулович
Annotation: The article discusses approaches to teaching software optimization for microcontrollers using the visual programming environment Flowcode. The basic principles of working with microcontrollers, methods for minimizing memory use and increasing program performance are presented. Practical aspects are covered such as relay control, interaction with sensors (DHT and LDR) and the use of a rotary encoder. Particular attention is paid to creating energy-efficient and functional systems based on Flowcode. In conclusion, a number of practical projects are proposed to consolidate knowledge, including the integration of microcontrollers with IoT platforms
Keywords: Microcontrollers, Flowcode, Visual Programming, Software Optimization, Relay Control, DHT and LDR Sensors, Rotary Encoder, Energy Efficiency, IoT, Hands-On Projects.
Pages in journal: 367 - 380