Odilova, G. R., & Xuddiyeva, N. Y. (2021). PERIFERIK RETINAL KO'Z YIRTILISHI DIAGNOSTIKASIDA OPTIK KOGERENT TOMOGRAFIYASI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 95-107.

Author: Odilova, Guljamol Rustamovna; Xuddiyeva, Nargiza Yuldashevna

Annotation: Optical coherent tomography in diagnosis of peripheral retinal breaks The purpose of our study was to develop an optimal method of peripheral retinal breaks visualization and determine thepresence of vitreoretinal traction using optical coherence tomography (OCT). A total of 52 patients (76 eyes) with peripheral retinal breaks were assessed, among them 27 men and 25 women, aged from 18 to 76. To visualize the periphery of the retina, we used a HOCT-1 / 1F HUVITZ spectral optical coherence tomograph (South Korea); photo registration was carried out using a KANGHUA APS-BER fundus camera (China). All patients were examined with Goldmann lens. OCT application enabled us to determine structural features and configuration of peripheral retinal breaks, the presence of vitreoretinal traction, and morphometric parameters of the defects: the average lengthand height, retinal thickness in three standard points (prior to the break, at its edge and at the bottom), and also the extent of vitreoretinal fusion and local detachment of retinal neuroepithelium (NE). Two groups of peripheral retinal tears were formed: group I (23 eyes) — retinal flap tears and group II (43 eyes) — perforated breaks. Optical coherence tomography is a highly informative method which enables in vivo evaluation of structural and morphometric characteristics of retinal defects and vitreoretinal fusion, as well as possible vitreoretinal traction and subclinical detachment of the retina. Its use will ensure properdocumentation of study results and also provide the possibility to determine indications for laser and surgical treatment and perform a late follow-up.

Keywords: peripheral retinal break, optical coherence tomography
