O‘G, J. R. Y. R., O‘G‘Li, A. E. X., & Hamroyevich, T. N. (2021). HAYDOVCHILARNI TAYYORLASHDA RAQAMLI O ‘ZBEKISTON 2030 DASTURINI JORIY ETISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 749-754.

Author: Jo‘rayev, Yashnarjon Rovshan o‘g‘li; Abdusamatov, Erkinjon Xalim o‘g‘li; Tursunov, Nodir Hamroyevich

Annotation: The authors of the article focused on the role of driver skills in road safety and the development of innovative methods of training and retraining of drivers, the evaluation of the developed methods

Keywords: Innovation, Driver, Technology, Traffic Safety.
