O‘G‘Li, I. D. B. (2022). YURIDIK SHAXSLARNING UMUMIY YIG ‘ILISH QARORLARINI HAQIQIY EMAS DEB TOPISHNING HUQUQIY OQIBATLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 430-447.

Author: Imomniyozov, Doniyorbek Baxtiyor o‘g‘li

Annotation: The general meeting of the governing bodies of a legal entity differs from the rest of the governing bodies of the legal entity. This uniqueness is reflected in the breadth of the powers of the General Assembly and, most importantly, in the decisions taken by this body. This article provides a comparative analysis of the theories of the general meeting as a governing body of a legal entity, its powers, the essence of the decisions made by the general meeting, their legal basis, the validity and invalidity of decisions.

Keywords: legal entity, governing body, general meeting, meeting decision, agreement, will, invalidity of decisions, corporate disputes, dispute resolution, valid decision.
